
[vc_section el_class=”u-padding-top–flush”][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At Multum Accountants, more than 30 employees are ready to help you

Multum regularly organizes seminars at our office. These are intended to regularly update our employees about the constantly changing tax and legal legislation. For example, we already organized sessions about the consequences of the Summer Agreement and about the changed inheritance tax in Flanders.

But we also regularly invite our customers to come and listen to what our external experts have to say. For example, we apply for VAT legislation to Jurgen Opreel, professor of VAT at the Fiscale Hogeschool in Brussels. Professor Jos Ruysseveldt of the Fiscal College Brussels is a regular guest for succession planning.

Be there? Sign up to be invited to these exclusive seminars.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]